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    Wednesday, January 10, 2007

    Xango, mangosteen juice - the miracle food supplement. Anyone?

    Xango was introduced to me by my friend in the Philippines. He shared with me that this mangosteen juice contains a lot of nutrients more potent than Vitamin E and Vitamin C. So my wife and I tried it. Here are some interesting benefits that we derived from drinking it:
    • My wife has insomnia, after drinking mangosteen juice (2 ounces twice a day) for 3 days, she's already asleep by 11:30 pm.
    • I usually have migraine in the afternoon, after drinking mangosteen juice (2 ounces twice a day) for 4 days, I am totally headache free.

    I was so amazed with the results so I did some readings and research. Here's what I found:

    Mangosteen has been used by traditional practitioners of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines and Africa for its varied medicinal applications. These applications include:
    • antimicrobial agent
    • treatment for skin diseases
    • anti-inflammatory agent
    • analgesic (pain reliever)
    • antidiarrheal treatment
    • gastrointestinal aid

    Dr. J. Frederick Templeman, a primary care physician, board certified in the US & Canada, with over 20 years clinical experience and a medical director of Phytoceutical Research states that the human body is a remarkable creation, capable of caring for and repairing itself - but only if it receives the necessary nutrients (raw materials) to do so. When a state of disequilibrium occurs, we can only assist the body in its efforts to restore optimal health.

    There are a variety of measures we can utilize to help our bodies recover from illness. Improved diet, stress relief, and increased physical activity are a few things that can make a tremendous difference in our state of health. Sometimes even these are not enough.

    Supplementation also plays a critical role in assisting the body to both prevent and combat disease. Which supplements should we take? Well, each of our bodies is different, so each of our needs is slightly different as well. If you think of your body as own personal laboratory, and you "experiment" with different supplements to achieve better health, you will soon be able to determine which products your body can use most effectively.

    Dr. Templeman feels that natural supplements offering the broadest range of phytonutrients to the body are those you should consider first. In this regard, the mangosteen fruit possesses a wide range of phytonutrients, including xanthones. But xanthones are only half the story. The fruit also contains catechins and proanthocyanidins, both classes of polyphenols shown to have great nutritional value for the body. Mangosteen also possesses polysaccharides and sterols, two groups of compounds also thought to possess a variety of potential health benefits.

    Dr. Templeman adds: "If you are in poor health, or are simply looking to lower your risk of disease, I encourage you to experiment with the mangosteen fruit in the laboratory of your own body to determine how it will put this amazing fruit to use."

    In addition to what I've learned, the bulk of the nutrients comes from the pericarp or rind of the mangosteen fruit.

    Here are some interesting research and results of preclinical studies which provide the evidence that these nutrients can be used by the body:

    Atherosclerosis. Cathecin research on mangosteen has demonstrated the following in the
    area of atherosclerosis (the process of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin (a clotting material in the blood) building up in the inner lining of an artery. The buildup that results is called plaque.):
    • Decreased liver production of LDL and VLDL (bad cholesterol)
    • Protection of the LDL molecule from free radical damage (antioxidant effect more potent that Vitamin C)
    • Decreased amount of absorption and digestion of dietary facts
    • Normalization of endothelial cell function in the artery so that adhesion substances are not formed
    • Inhibition of the growth factors that cause smooth muscle cells in the walls of arteries to grow abnormally and form plaque
    • Inhibition of bacterial proliferation in the mouth that leads to gum disease and the possible infection of arterial plaque
    • Dampening of the inflammatory response, which leads to plaque rupture and triggers the coagulation cascade that produces the deadly blood clot
    • Inhibition of thrombin-induced clot information (the coagulation cascade)
    Xanthone research has revealed the following properties:
    • Antioxidant activity (surpassing that of Vitamin E) that protects LDL particles from free radical damage in laboratory studies
    • Antibacterial action to prevent the infection of plaques
    • Anti-inflammatory activity capable of dampening the inflammation, which can lead to plaque rupture
    Proanthocyanidin research has revealed the following properties:
    • Antioxidant activity to protect LDL particles from free radical damage
    • Antibacterial effects
    • Normalization of endothelial vasolidatory function in the arteries through the increased production of Nitric oxide
    • Antithrombotic (anticlotting) effect
    • Anti-inflammatory effect to lessen the probability of plaque rupture
    • Regulation of adhesion molecule production by endothelial cells
    Sterol research has revealed the following properties:
    • Normalization of lipid production to prevent the excessive formation of LDL
    Polysaccharide research has revealed the following properties:
    • Antibacterial effect
    Cancer. Cathecin research in the area of cancer has revealed:
    • Protection of DNA from damage by free radicals and other mutagens
    • Repair of damaged DNA before cancer begins
    • Inhibition of the inappropriate production of growth factors which promote cancer
    • Inhibition of the proteolytic enzymes, which cancerous cells produce to invade normal tissue and to mestatasize
    • Protection of skin from UV damage
    • Inhibition of the production of pro-inflammatory mediators which promote cancer growth
    • Chemoprotection (by unelucidated mechanisms) from many different types of cancer
    • Anti-tumor effect by the induction of apoptosis or cell death in cancer cells
    Xanthone research in the area of cancer has revealed:
    • Protection of DNA from damage by free radicals
    • Induction of apoptosis (cell suicide) in tumor cells of several types of cancer
    • Anti-tumor efficacy (in vitro) of garcinone E (a mangosteen xanthone), surpassing the effect of five commonly utlized chemotherapy agents
    Proanthocyanidin research in the area of cancer has shown:
    • Inhibition of the production of protein-dissolving agents produced by cancer cells to invade normal tissue and to metastasize
    Inflammation. The body's non-specific response to virtually all insults (such as infection, trauma, radiation damage, allergen irritation, etc.) is inflammation. Characterized by swelling, redness, heat and pain, most inflammation is short-lived and an important part of the healing process. However, too often inflammation does not shut off when it should and can continue for weeks, months, or years (chronic inflammation). When this occurs, the inflammation itself (which can be painless and therefore silent) becomes a serious health threat.

    Although not a disease per se, chronic inflammation has been implicated in the development of many health problems including cancer, arthritis, diabetes, skin disorders, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases (such as MS, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's), lung disease, inflammotory bowel disease (Crohn's, ulcerative colitis), ulcers, gastritis, GERD, allergy, kidney failure and even psychiatric disorders like depression, autism and schizophrenia. And this list is not complete because other illnesses have been shown to involve inflammatory states as greater or lesser causatory or exacerbating factors.

    Cathecin research in the area of inflammation shows:
    • Ability to chelate iron and copper, two metals frequently involved in the production of free radicals
    • Excellent antioxidant activity that even exceeds the antioxidant power of vitamin C
    Xanthone research in the area of inflammation shows:
    • Antioxidant capability which exceeds that of vitamin E
    • All 43 mangosteen xanthones have antioxidant capability
    • The capability of blocking the most common inflammatory cascade (arachadonic acid to prostaglandin E2) at the genetic level (COX-2 blockade)
    • Antioxidant effect in an animal experiment that equaled the power of the drug dexamethasone and exceeded the effect of the drug Indomethacin
    Proanthocyanidin research in the area of inflammation shows:
    • Effective inhibition of the proinflammatory enzyme COX-2 (again at the level of the COX-2 gene)
    • The ability to inhibit the formation of copper-linked free radicals
    • Chemoprotective effects on cells threatened with inflammatory damage
    (Ref. - Mangosteen, the gift your body deserves by J. Frederic Templeman, M.D.)

    The above mentioned illnesses are only a few of what mangosteen can do and help our body. You may do your own research by searching mangosteen in the internet or you may visit

    To sum it up: XanGo (Xangosteen in Singapore) juice is a food supplement that has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-tumor and cancer prevention properties. It also strengthens the body's immune system. Backed by research, http://www.mangosteenmd.comand

    Should you need more information, visit or email: or call Vida at +6591085489.